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Archive - 2013

July 21st

Mikis Theodorakis: If we don’t set ourselves free, we cannot hope

21 July 2013 / 12:07:13  
At the presentation of the movie "Recycling Medea", the great Greek composer criticised people and institutions of the political and cultural sphere

Marian Kola - shot dead in an action of the Greek police

21 July 2013 / 12:07:19  
The major police action in the area of Ioannina and Thesprotia is continuing; his accomplice Ilir Koupa is still being searched for

The star of the Magi about our lives

20 July 2013 / 23:07:52  
The ''Rosette from Pliska'', one of the most unique artefacts in Bulgarian history.

July 20th

Mykonos: the lord of the Cyclades that never sleeps

20 July 2013 / 19:07:10  
After a brief decline, the island is returning as a favourite destination for lovers of nightlife, noisy parties and endless beaches

The Law on the New Greek Radio, Internet and TV was passed with the votes of PASOK and New Democracy

20 July 2013 / 17:07:37  
According to Alexis Tsipras, the new television will not be better than ERT. According to Simos Kedikoglou, Tsipras is dreaming of a country of unions and a commune

Records in tourism, tax evasion and the black labour market in tourist areas

20 July 2013 / 15:07:29  
17 million tourists will visit Greece in the summer; the most popular tourist destinations such as Rhodes, Zakynthos and Santorini recorded the greatest levels of tax evasion – there, 80% of companies violate the law

July 19th

Management training is a guarantee for success

19 July 2013 / 20:07:50  
We have sought the expert opinion of Krysta Tzelepi who is a managing partner of Treasure Lab Ltd., a management training company, to tell us how to build a successful professional team in a period of financial crisis.