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Archive - 2014

September 5th

Technological boredom at IFA in Berlin

05 September 2014 / 13:09:40  
Flexible displays, smart watches, thin and stylish tablets - these were just some of the innovations that the technology forum was able to offer us, at its very beginning at that.

Panna Cotta - Italian cooked cream

05 September 2014 / 07:09:27  
Rich but delicate, a traditional treat...

Within the space of just two years, the Greek coast guard has saved the lives of 10,000 immigrants

04 September 2014 / 21:09:06  
An influx of 1.5-2 million immigrants from third world countries is expected next year. The majority of them use Greece as a transit country, 95% of the Syrians who are currently in Greece do not want to stay.

September 4th

A monk died in an accident near the Hilandar Monastery

04 September 2014 / 12:09:28  
Two other firefighters were injured after the car in which they were travelling fell into an abyss in the rugged area near the monastery on Mount Athos.

The Greeks work mainly in the public sector, trade and defence

04 September 2014 / 11:09:42  
The majority of the foreigners worked as low-skilled workers, small artisans or were engaged in heavy physical work, as shown by the latest study conducted by the Greek Statistical Office ELSTAT.

September 3rd

"Pavlova" cakes are the hit in summer Athens

03 September 2014 / 19:09:18  
Two years already "Pavlova" pastry shop has been successful and preferred by customers. According to its owner Effie Yialousi, its success is due to the fact that all the products are of top quality, distinctive and handmade.

The tomb in Amphipolis was probably built in a natural hill rather than in a mound

03 September 2014 / 17:09:19  
This is the opinion of Bulgarian archaeologist Diana Dimitrova, who is a member of the research team that 10 years ago discovered the tomb of Odrysian king Seuthes III. Unlike Amphipolis, Golyamata Kosmatka mound was built by human activity. Another significant difference between the two tombs is their vaults - semi-cylindrical in Amphipolis and cantilevered arched in Golyamata Kosmatka.