About a fortnight ago Minos Kyriakou's channel sacked 10 journalists, including Programme Director Yannis Latsios, today was the turn of 30 operators and other technical staff as well as of 10 people from the channel' s administration
In defence of Yannis Varoufakis, the Greek Prime Minister said that the opposition might criticize him for a number of things, even for "his tasteless shirts," but not for being a double dealer
The Greek finance ministry banned the occupying of public beach areas and the installation of sound systems along the coastline as well as on the shores of lakes or rivers
The luxury residence is located in London's leafy suburb Hampstead Garden, known to locals as 'the neighbourhood of billionaires', and is worth $15 million
Because of Athens' reluctance to let creditors' representatives visit ministries, all meetings are held in a hall of the central Athens hotel where they are staying
The editorial office of the new media will be in Athens. It will be supported by the London office of CNN, which is the largest international office of the global news network.