Following yesterday's demonstration in support of the government of SYRIZA and Independent Greeks and today's failed attempt to reach an agreement with the creditors at the level of the Eurogroup, thousands of Greeks are out in Syntagma Square to firmly declare that Greece belongs to the European Union and the euro area.
"Creditors would suffer much more than Greece in the event of Grexit. People should not worry. We would have difficulties for several months but then everything would be fine," said Deputy Minister for Social Security Dimitris Stratoulis.
It seems that, aiming to achieve an agreement, the European Commission and the European Central Bank are discussing a Greek debt relief plan, which is the main demand of Alexis Tsipras’ government.
The mystery cults in Samothrace were the most famous in antiquity, along with the Eleusinian ones. The strict instructions to participants to keep secret the content of the rituals are the reason why we know very little about them today.
"If we do not reach an honourable compromise the government and I will take the responsibility to say a big 'no'," the Greek Prime Minister stated during a joint press conference with Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann.