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Archive - 2015

February 18th

Changes in banks’ top management

18 February 2015 / 19:02:13  
The most probable candidate for president of the National Bank of Greece is Louka Katseli - former Minister of Economy in the government of George Papandreou, who today is close to the leadership of SYRIZA .

The consequences of a possible GREXIT for lenders

18 February 2015 / 17:02:34  
While the talks between the Greek government and its lenders are continuing, analysts and international media are considering all possible scenarios and the consequences they might have.

Greek request for an extension of lending will be submitted tomorrow, not today

18 February 2015 / 16:02:29  
Today, the Greek Ministry of Finance made public the record of negotiations between Greece and its European partners.

Immigrants are rising, calling to be released

18 February 2015 / 12:02:44  
The Greek Government intends to close down the centre in Amigdaleza and to introduce a limit on the detention of illegal immigrants for up to 18 months.

Beware of Greeks, when they want an extension of the funding

18 February 2015 / 11:02:04  
Athens is making today its last attempt to return to the negotiating table, requesting from its lenders to extend the funding of Greece by 6 months, the Eurogruop President has to decide whether to call another meeting of euro zone finance ministers on Friday.

February 17th

Prokopis Pavlopoulos is Tsipras’ candidate for president of Greece

17 February 2015 / 19:02:29  
Former Minister of the Interior in the two governments of New Democracy in the period 2004-2009 Prokopis Pavlopoulos is the candidate for president of Greece nominated by the ruling coalition.

"Varoufakis" style impedes the negotiations

17 February 2015 / 17:02:53  
Western media are criticizing the behaviour of the Greek Мinister of Finance, which, according to them, is negatively affecting the negotiations, while in Greece, he is enjoying wide popularity among the demonstrators in support of the government.