They are scheduled for 6:00 pm under the slogan, "They cannot blackmail us, we do not bend under pressure, we are not afraid, we do not yield, we win."
Late last night the Governing Council of the institution decided that after 11 February it will not cash Greek government bonds the interest rate of which is 0.05% and that Greek banks will be able to rely on liquidity only through the Emergency Liquidity Assistance, the rate of which is significantly higher, namely 1.5%
Hours before the meeting between Yanis Varoufakis and Wolfgang Schaeuble Berlin warned Athens that it will not accept the failure to observe the commitments under the signed memorandum of economic aid.
The player who is in an unfavourable position cannot maintain a hard line for a long period of time, as stated by political scientist Dimitris Sotiropoulos in an interview for GRReporter.
According to the local traffic regulations, a driver is under the influence of alcohol when the blood test shows a concentration of over 0.5 parts per thousand in his or her body or above 0.25 parts per thousand in the breath, when a technical device is used for the test.