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Leo Drama Lurking in August

01 August 2014 / 17:08:04  GRReporter
7025 reads

30 August – 12 September
In August, the general environment will be generating pleasant and calm life activities and then, mid-month, a sudden and surprising event will mark the beginning of a situation of great importance. You invest most of your energy in everyday life, routine activities, responsibilities and errands, and in overcoming opponents and people who set hindrances before you. The end of the month will steer you towards cooperation, contracts and partnerships, both professional and personal. Finances are still an active sphere for you and provide access to outside resources and solutions to common property issues. Your love life is in a harmonious phase.

13 September – 25 September
In August, the general environment will be beneficial, lucky and of happier circumstances mostly in relation to cooperation, agreements and partnerships, both professional and personal. You will invest most of your energy in your home, family, building security and stability. The end of the month will steer you towards everyday life issues and you might find it difficult to do your job. You will also feel tired of the more efforts you will have to make and the hard work you will have to do. Your finances are still a success, bringing you luck because of your good partnerships or your partners. Your love life is calm and harmonious.

26 September  – 9 October
In August, the general environment will be quite dynamic, too busy and there are hindrances you will not be able to avoid. They will be mostly in your everyday life, work, opponents and personal responsibilities. You invest most of your energy in personal initiatives and ventures, communication, travel and in relation to your siblings. You are inclined to risky and impulsive behaviour. The end of the month brings some calmness and success. Your financial situation is still a source of worries and preoccupation with tedious details and circumstances, petty problems that keep harassing you. Your love life is in a fruitful stage and your activity will enhance mid-month.

10 October  – 22 October

In August, the general environment is favourable and calm mostly in relation to matters at home, family, and children and provides opportunity for stability and security. New ventures are not recommended though. You invest most of your energy in financial and material matters, acquisitions, investments, and income. The end of the month is dynamic and lively but could bring you some irritations in terms of communication and you will be less active in some personal initiatives and ventures. Your financial situation is still in a favourable position in August. Your love life will make you feel tired early in the month, but the end of the month will revive it.

23 October – 4 November
In August, the general environment will be tiresome and exhausting, you will have your challenges and problems in almost all spheres, but mostly with your siblings and personal initiatives and ventures. You will invest most of your energy in yourself: appearance, body, physique, image, behaviour and manners. Be wary of accidents since you are ‘open’ for health problems. The end of the month activates you with respect to financial and material matters. Your finances are still in an unfavourable position which further exhausts you. Your love life is on the downside midmonth – something is exhausting you and creating conflict there.

5 November  – 18 November
In August, the general environment will be favourable, moving you upward and improving your life as a whole. This is mostly in connection with finances: material means, acquisitions, investments, ample income sources. You invest most of your energy in your social circle, friends, patrons and in achieving your personal goals and ambitions. The end of the month steers you towards yourself: image, physical condition, manners, and behaviour. Be wary of probable accidents and health issues. Your financial situation is still making you optimistic of successful development, growth and progress.  Your love life is about to ‘beget’ something new – be careful what it is as it will bear fruit.

19 November – 1 December
In August, the general environment will be efficient, productive and the month brings you some blessing: you are sowing the seeds of your future in some way. The main focus is on you – your skills, knowledge, and abilities. You invest most of your energy in your professional development, career, relations with people of authority, and education. The end of the month makes you more active towards your social circle, friends, patrons, benefactors and people who help you achieve your desires and intentions. Your finances are still in regeneration through new creative processes and projects, new income sources. Your love life is balanced and the end of the month is setting something that will lead to an important event.

2 December  – 14 December
In August, the general environment will be calm on the surface but requiring your focus and precaution especially in relation to your social circle, friends, patrons and benefactors in order not to miss a chance provided. You will invest most of your energy in chasing a highly desired turning point in life or in accessing others’ resources, loans, banks, inheritance. The end of the month makes you more active towards your professional development, career, and education. Your finances are still in a favourable position: new doors open for support in making your personal desires and intentions come true. You enjoy a favourable love life.

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