The former director of the London city police Sir Ian Blair takes over the reformation of the Greek police. He should be in Athens in few days and he will be appointed as a technical advisor in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The British top policeman became very famous during the terrorist attacks in the London metro in 2005 and during the investigation of the murder of the Brazilian Jan Charles Menezes, who was shot by accident by a British policeman. Sir Blair was the director of the London city police for three and a half years. He withdrew from his post during December 2008 after disagreements with the city mayor Boris Johnson.
The Greek police do not hide the fact that they have chosen a British model of terrorist fight and street hooliganism. A team from Scotland Yard is already in Athens, actively working with their Greek colleagues. Special operation forces are in the process of making—they will be 30 and each one will be of 12 policemen, who will have mini-busses and motorcycles, in order to be able to move around faster. They are also working long-term, in order to master the whole British model, which is founded on 4 principals – prognosis, pursuit, protection, preparation.
More precisely, the prognosis means gathering and processing data from different sources about the intentions of terrorists or hooligans. The pursuit is the weak spot of the Greek police; this is why the British model of special operations forces will be introduced immediately. The protection is focused on traditional terrorist and hooligan targets like embassies, banks, ministries, and also public figures, for whom there is a negative public opinion. Out of all the principals, the preparation is long-term, which means creating experienced professionals, incorporating modern technologies in the police workplace, and developing sources inside of the terrorist and hooligan circles.