100 years from the founding of the great Athenian football club, the greens - Panathinaikos, became reason for the exhibition of 80 young artists, who are inspired by the goals of the team.
European Union and International Monetary Fund press the Greek Government to implement reforms in the pension system. Enraged trade unions of employees in the private (GSEE) and the public sector (ADEDY) announced their third consecutive 24-hour strike on May 5.
"IMF - out!" was the main slogan of the protest on Tuesday night in downtown Athens. Frown, moody, angry crowds of unhappy people roamed around the sidewalks with propaganda leaflets and protest banners in their hands. "All together in the fight against the corrupt system – let us stop the anti-social measures of the European Union and the IMF", "Imperialists – out!", were part of the slogans chanted by the protesters.
Finance Minister George Papakonstantinu playing the role of Nietzsche: Greece will emerge stronger from the crisis but still markets did not believe him; the index of the Athens Stock Exchange collapsed under 1700.00 points, spread-index exceeds 700 points.
To gather state finances and reduce outlay, PM of Greece George Papandreou has decided to proceed with mergers and closures of hundreds of organizations in the public sector. The first decisions was taken yesterday for merger or closure of 102 organizations.
In recent months, radio stations, clubs, iΡod-s, even at 50-year-ols parties – you can hear the hit song "You know I like you, but do not believe me", which even before releasing a video gathered a record of 500,000 visits in YouΤube.
Expected are at least 10% reduction of tourists from Germany and 7% from the UK. The economic crisis and poor image of the country in put Greece in the background of preferences of western Europe tourists this year.