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Archive - Oct 8, 2012

"Merkel out" was the main slogan of the unions’ protest

08 October 2012 / 22:10:39  
6,000 people gathered in front of the Greek parliament hours before the arrival of Angela Merkel in Athens. Most of them were the discontented familiar from last year.

Over 50% of the firewood in Greece is imported from Bulgaria

08 October 2012 / 20:10:48  
The average price per ton of Bulgarian firewood is around 140 euro whereas the Greek firewood costs between 180 and 240 euro.

Police ban on protests while Merkel is in Athens

08 October 2012 / 16:10:31  
over 7,000 uniformed and plainclothes police officers will guard the Greek capital on the day of the German Chancellor's visit.

live 18 trade unionists from the Greek Public Power Corporation are being sentenced under the fast track procedure

08 October 2012 / 11:10:11  
On Sunday evening, the trade unionists besieged and broke into the building housing the data centre of the electricity company to prove that people with low and middle incomes pay the high property tax imposed last year and that it is not imposed on some privileged citizens with higher incomes.