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Archive - 2013

May 18th

The 21st century started with intense natural disasters

18 May 2013 / 14:05:47  
Mundane astrology predicts catastrophes, both in nature and in social and economic terms

Greek moussaka

18 May 2013 / 10:05:24  
The ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus said that a poet was not much different from a chef because they both create art.

Lenders insist on the privatization of the Greek public power corporation

17 May 2013 / 22:05:08  
This is one of the conditions that Greece must meet in the coming weeks in order for it to obtain 3.3 billion euro in June. The European Commission presented the report on the economic development. The problematic areas in the recovery process are the public sector and the privatization.

Museum in the outskirts of the city in times of crisis

17 May 2013 / 21:05:30  
Goulandris Natural History Museum is one of the few museums which do not display exhibits related to the history of Greece. It is visited mainly by schools and is closed during the summer months.

May 17th

Looking at the world through Google Glass

17 May 2013 / 19:05:01  
Google GLΛSS is an innovative product that merges virtual reality with our lives and it has the capacity to create a new billion dollar industry.

"Heil Hitler" expelled a deputy of Golden Dawn from parliament

17 May 2013 / 17:05:48  
The far-right argue that the phrase was not said by them but by a deputy of SYRIZA and threaten media with lawsuits for disseminating false news and defamation.

Social economy - an alternative

17 May 2013 / 16:05:32  
Sofia Papachristou is a lawyer, scenographer and director. She is the creator of the documentary "Social economy: an alternative" and she is talking about the development opportunities provided by socially responsible business activities with GRReporter exclusively.