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Archive - 2013

September 26th

Cavafy painted

26 September 2013 / 17:09:54  
It presents the works of 40 contemporary Greek artists inspired by the poetry of the great poet, Constantine Cavafy.

The court investigates reservists for the preparation of a coup

26 September 2013 / 12:09:33  
The prosecutor of the Supreme Court has ordered a preliminary investigation in connection with a publication of the association of special forces reservists in which they are calling for the government's resignation.

live An explosion in the tax office in Kifissia

26 September 2013 / 09:09:24  
The powerful explosion caused considerable damage but, fortunately, there were no victims. About 30 minutes earlier, unknown persons had called the electronic edition, the leftist Editor’s Newspaper and the flying squad to warn of the attack.

"Molotov" cocktails and tear gas during the anti-fascist procession

25 September 2013 / 21:09:34  
The clashes began when the police did not allow the demonstrators to reach the office of Golden Dawn.

September 25th

Retroactive 10% cuts in government spending will bring 1.4 billion euro to the treasury

25 September 2013 / 20:09:09  
Significant cuts are to be made in order to achieve a primary surplus and maintain the levels of deficit.

Do not close your eyes to corruption

25 September 2013 / 18:09:09  
The Greek branch of Transparency International has launched the campaign "Time to wake up", which aims at motivating the Greeks to engage themselves in the fight against corruption

live Rectors close four universities

25 September 2013 / 10:09:52  
A protest against the reforms in the education sector will take place in Athens today at 1:00 pm. By order of the police, the underground stations "Syntagma", "Panepistimio" and "Evangelismos" will be closed at 11:30 am.