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Archive - 2013

September 5th

The first quantities of natural gas extracted from Cyprus are already a fact

05 September 2013 / 19:09:42  
The Minister of Energy of Cyprus states that the natural gas exports would be possible at the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020.

PASOK’s 39th anniversary - from 48% to 12.5%

05 September 2013 / 18:09:54  
The present leadership of the party is continuing its efforts to unite the left centre space before the radical left party SYRIZA and the Democratic Left divide even larger portions from PASOK.

Canada threatens Greek feta

05 September 2013 / 16:09:11  
The protected trade name is in danger because of conflicting interests in the European Union.

Greek merchant marine regains its lead in 2013

05 September 2013 / 14:09:53  
The shipping magnates bought in the first eight months of the year 209 ships of various types worth 2.98 billion dollars.

September 4th

The delicious sesame seed-covered bread ring of Thessaloniki and its story

04 September 2013 / 17:09:11  
This snack, which is popular throughout Greece is one of the healthiest sources of carbohydrates, proteins and other nutrients and energy.

А wave of protests is coming in September

04 September 2013 / 16:09:21  
After Thessaloniki the protests will continue in Athens where they will intensify. The trade unions of the public and private sector employees ADEDI and GSEE have announced a 48-hour strike against the cuts of public workers on 17 and 18 September.

September 3rd

The lenders want liquidation of the arms companies

03 September 2013 / 19:09:03  
In practice, the supervisory Troika suggests that the companies LARKO, ELBO and EAC should go bankrupt and that their employees should be dismissed without any compensation.