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Archive - 2013

August 30th

GRReporter readers chose

30 August 2013 / 18:08:42  
Readers of the Bulgarian version of our website want more information about Bulgarians in Greece. Readers of the Greek version - want more analysis of the situation in Bulgaria and readers of the English version prefer more news from Greece.

Operation "Spear"

30 August 2013 / 14:08:56  
This is a police action that will last for a period of 12 months and its main objective is tackling illegal immigration

History of infographics

30 August 2013 / 13:08:20  
The visual representation of complex data accelerates their perception and understanding. See how infographics appeared and developed to what we now take for granted.

live The Greek government is getting ready for the Syrian crisis

30 August 2013 / 11:08:48  
Officials are expecting a surge of refugees from North Africa and the Middle East, as well as concerns about the economy in case of a jump in oil prices

August 29th

Agrinio in Greece will become a European centre of tobacco production

29 August 2013 / 17:08:52  
Global giant Philip Morris has increased its business in Greece by 20%; it will open up new jobs, strengthen international transport and support exports of these traditional country products

The Greek economy is losing a lot because of the crisis in Syria

29 August 2013 / 16:08:11  
The price of oil and the movement of the dollar against the euro on international markets are worrying the Ministry of Finance

Michalis Aslanis’s funeral will be tomorrow in Halkida

29 August 2013 / 14:08:31  
The autopsy of his body neither confirmed, nor rejected the hypothesis of a suicide of the famous fashion designer