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Archive - 2013

August 29th

Following the privatisation of OPAP, Hellenic State Lotteries will also be privatised

29 August 2013 / 09:08:43  
The Greek state will receive a 190 million euro one-time compensation and participate with a share in profits, which will provide it with an income of 550 million euro; it will keep the New Year's lottery drawing

August 28th

Famous fashion designer Michalis Aslanis was found dead

28 August 2013 / 19:08:10  
According to initial data, he committed suicide with an overdose of sleeping pills, the artist was in a dire financial situation with many debts

The government is planning civil mobilisation of teachers in order to avoid the closure of schools

28 August 2013 / 15:08:47  
Education Minister Konstantinos Arvanitopulos stressed that the government is ensuring the smooth start of the new school year

live Syria caused a diplomatic fever in Athens

28 August 2013 / 11:08:04  
Authorities in Greece are following the escalation of the crisis with concern

August 27th

Greece is liquidating its military industry

27 August 2013 / 17:08:43  
Both state arms companies and the state-owned mining company Larko are deep in debt and have not paid to their employees for months

IMF provides for new tax increases in Greece

27 August 2013 / 15:08:02  
The new medium-term programme, which is being drafted, provides for a 12.4% tax increase by in 2014

August 26th

The list of 12,500 civil servants involved in the mobility programme will be ready by 20 September

26 August 2013 / 18:08:29  
The Administrative Reform Council to the government, which met at the Prime Minister, decided to strictly adhere to the schedule and goals of the mobility programme