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Archive - May 2014

May 21st

What would happen if SYRIZA won the elections

21 May 2014 / 14:05:44  
Bank of America, Credit Agricole and Credit Suisse predict turmoil in Greece and global markets.

Where Sofia partisans were buried

21 May 2014 / 11:05:42  
In the southeastern part of Borisova Gradina in Sofia, there is a monument called Common Grave, where 17 prominent figures of the Bulgarian Communist Party and the Workers' Youth Union were buried.

Parties continue borrowing although they are unable to repay the money

20 May 2014 / 21:05:27  
The leaders of the liberal Gefires coalition revealed that in 2013 New Democracy and PASOK received a new loan of 14.6 million euro, although they are unable to serve the old one which amounts to 300 million euro.

May 20th

Minimalist Israel in the Mediterranean colours of Thessaloniki Book Fair

20 May 2014 / 19:05:22  
This year's book fair was organized for the first time by the Hellenic Foundation for Culture and it involved 218 publishers, cultural organizations, embassies and institutes from Greece and 14 other countries.

How to organize the perfect summer holiday

20 May 2014 / 19:05:14  
Here are some tips on how to organize the summer holiday of our dreams.

After the Reformist Bloc in Bulgaria Theodorakis too is inspired by an advertising video for Obama

20 May 2014 / 13:05:11  
On the first day of the week preceding the European elections, "To Potami" has provoked a flood of critical comments regarding its advertising videos.

The modest rise of SYRIZA has deprived it of its whiff of victory

19 May 2014 / 21:05:36  
Commentators expect the race to intensify in the remaining days. Both the ruling coalition and SYRIZA send the message that the vote in the European elections will be decisive for the future of the government.