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Archive - 2014

January 11th

Tripoli - the heart of Arcadia

11 January 2014 / 17:01:11  
Boasting a long and significant history, as well as a modern look, interesting sights and beautiful scenery, the city in the heart of the Peloponnese is a destination which has a wide appeal

Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are

11 January 2014 / 17:01:22  
goes the Bulgarian saying, and there is also a Latin proverb: Ubi amici, ibi opes - where there are friends, there is wealth; this wise saying has been embedded in the symbolism of astrological correspondences for at least 5,000 years

TT Hellenic Postbank as a means of personal enrichment

11 January 2014 / 14:01:52  
Former President of the bank Angelos Filipidis was arrested this morning in Turkey with an international arrest warrant; he is accused of causing damages to the state amounting to over 300 million euro.

live A 33-year-old Bulgarian woman has been killed in Thessaloniki

11 January 2014 / 12:01:23  
The woman was found by her husband in their own apartment on Promitheous Street in the centre of the city

January 10th

Salty bag or Greek recession chic

10 January 2014 / 20:01:55  
Stratis, Spiros, Panos and Chrissa continue the voyage of the sails by turning them into small and large bags, briefcases, travel bags and small daily accessories.

Musical experiences in Thessaloniki

10 January 2014 / 18:01:59  
The new programme of Thessaloniki Concert Hall includes four musicals, one opera, new theatre groups, cutting-edge music and concerts.

People from SYRIZA sympathised with "17 November"

10 January 2014 / 15:01:44  
As stated by deputy Petros Tatsopoulos, who had thus incurred the wrath of his party colleagues; he has already submitted his resignation to Alexis Tsipras.