The readers of our English version are the exception. They believe it is most likely that Alexis Tsipras as prime minister will sign the next memorandum with creditors.
I am surprised by the light-heartedness of most Greeks, who believe that a deus ex machina will come down and protect us from the dire consequences, says the writer Petros Papasarandopoulos in an interview for GRReporter.
Thousands of Athenians flocked to Omonia Square to cheer the final election appearance of Alexis Tsipras who promised that the programme of the radical left will be implemented letter for letter.
My government worked hard for the quantitative easing programme of the European Central Bank. It is time for everyone to assume responsibility, said the Greek Prime Minister in a televised address.
Recent polls leave no doubt about who will be the winner of the vote on Sunday, New Democracy is failing to attract votes from the centre, a true battle between Potami and Golden Dawn for the third place.
In the run-up to the upcoming snap elections in Greece on 25 January 2015, Syriza’s struggle to convince the reluctant voters of the party’s governing capacity is drawing growing attention both at home and abroad.
Disbanding riot police forces, immediate cessation of the use of prohibited and hazardous chemical substances, merger of police forces and prohibiting the involvement of their members in protests are some of the changes.