The Oscar-winning actor Kevin Spacey and the director of American Beauty Sam Mendes will meet on the stage of the ancient Epidaurus Theatre in July. The two Hollywood celebrities will present the Shakespeare’s play Richard III within the Athens Festival, held annually in Athens and on the stage of Epidaurus.
Attacks on politicians and increasingly against members of the government in the form of popular indignation are about to become an epidemic in Greece. Two men were taken to hospital late last night after being injured during a political meeting with the Minister of Health Andreas Loverdos.
More than two months before the start of the International Special Olympics Summer Games the organisation committee announced it is in full readiness. Over 7000 athletes from 180 countries, their families and 2500 coaches are expected to arrive in Greece on the 24th of June.
Government has taken the advice of the Troika and decided to put into operation frozen concessions for the national roads to give an impetus to the privatisation program.
A possible nuclear accident in Fukushima will be much more serious than the one that happened in Chernobyl 25 years ago, believes the the Professor of Nuclear Physics Konstantinos Papastefanou.
Wolfgang Schäuble told the German edition Die Welt that, the Europeans are waiting for the report on the development of reforms in June this year, which will make clear what the fate of the Greek debt will be.