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Archive - Feb 18, 2012

157 000 jobs in the construction industry were cut within three years

18 February 2012 / 21:02:33  
One of the main reasons is the continuous shrinking of the Public Investment Programme

Greek version of the Slumdog Millionaire

18 February 2012 / 20:02:04  
Call centres offering services of a western type for Indian wages on behalf of third companies are already in Greece

Dozens of exhibits were stolen from the museum of Ancient Olympia

18 February 2012 / 18:02:02  
The perpetrators have stolen 65 small bronze votive objects from the old Archaeological Museum of Ancient Olympia

29th of February 2012 brings luck in everything except for love

18 February 2012 / 15:02:04  
On this day, the planets are located in 6 zodiac signs, promote intellectual activity and beauty treatments