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Archive - 2013

August 24th

Greece has 10,815,197 permanent residents

24 August 2013 / 12:08:43  
According to the census of 2011, the number of foreigners amounted to 911,929, of which, 8.3% with Bulgarian citizenship

The Bulgarian Cultural and Natural Heritage in numbers

23 August 2013 / 22:08:02  
Presentation of Bulgarian cultural and natural sites, recognized by UNESCO

August 23rd

Putin made the Greek government angry

23 August 2013 / 19:08:14  
The Russian President told financiers that Greece is a nice country, but it is not good for investment

What time is it?

23 August 2013 / 16:08:34  
We are about to change another painfully familiar everyday object beyond recognition. Find out how.

Studies for maritime transport in Thessaloniki are starting

23 August 2013 / 16:08:49  
The construction of six pier-stations, the buildings where ticket counters will be housed as well as waiting areas for passengers of public transport by sea in Thessaloniki, and the combined links with other means of transport will be explored

Greece will receive a third financial aid package

23 August 2013 / 13:08:53  
That was announced by German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble for the economic newspaper "Handelsblatt"

August 22nd

Russia wants an air base in Cyprus

22 August 2013 / 20:08:37  
The Kremlin is eyeing the "Andreas Papandreou" military base in Paphos, where Moscow wants to install fighter jets and reconnaissance aircraft