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Archive - 2013

August 19th

A 10,550 euro fine for each illegal worker

19 August 2013 / 18:08:01  
The Greek government will take a series of measures in order to eradicate the informal economy - this time against the widespread practice among companies to hire "black" labour market workers

Eight out of ten restaurants, "ate up" the reduction of VAT

19 August 2013 / 15:08:56  
The VAT rate in restaurants was reduced from 23% to 13%, but this did not automatically lead to a reduction of their prices

One more head of the Privatization Agency has resigned

19 August 2013 / 10:08:08  
Stelios Stavridis took office in March, 2013; his resignation is associated with the sale of 33% of the Greek State Lottery, which has just been finalised

August 18th

Greek olives, sea bass, pipes and razor blades gain markets in the USA

18 August 2013 / 17:08:42  
Greece holds a market share of 80% for imports of European sea bass, 72% for olives, as well as 29.2% for oil and gas pipes, according to a report from the commercial department of the Greek Embassy in the USA

A performance dedicated to Melina Mercouri will be presented in Prespa and Irodio theatre

18 August 2013 / 16:08:04  
The performance makes use of the theatre, music and dance in order to show the most important stages of her life, songs, theatrical and cinema roles, as well as moments of her actions and struggles

A murder after a separation

18 August 2013 / 11:08:12  
Yesterday, a brutal crime was discovered the victim of which was a 25-year-old flight attendant from Thessaloniki

August 17th

The greatest temptations

17 August 2013 / 17:08:12  
If no temptations and desires existed, humanity would still be in the Stone Age