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Archive - 2013

August 6th

live Night of fires in Athens

06 August 2013 / 13:08:36  
Ten firefighting aircrafts, 61 fire engines and infantry units were involved in the fight with the blaze in the northern suburb of Varibombi.

August 5th

August full moon in Greece

05 August 2013 / 16:08:38  
Traditionally, many archaeological sites across the country will open their doors to visitors and cultural events in the moonlight on 21 August.

Nightclub’s chiefs face the prosecutor for tax violations

05 August 2013 / 14:08:49  
The service combating economic crimes had ordered the closure of Summer Fix Live for not issuing receipts and for lack of permits, the nightclub's mnagers did not comply with the order and it worked properly.

August 4th

Patmos: Apocalypse Now!

04 August 2013 / 19:08:10  
From Chora’s houses and the monastery of St. John the Evangelist to the crystal Aegean waters and warm hospitality of the locals - the island where "The Lord has spoken" reveals its secrets

Voices for a new cut in the Greek debt are increasing

04 August 2013 / 16:08:35  
Contrary to the expectations of the Greek government and partners, international banking circles consider that Greece’s return on bond markets next year - in order to cover the financial gap that is expected to reach 11 billion euro - is impossible

Obama’s gifts to Samaras

04 August 2013 / 14:08:17  
The visit of Prime Minister Antonis Smaras will take place in a very positive atmosphere, following the sudden decision of the USA to intervene actively in terms of Germany, so that the debt crisis in the Eurozone may be resolved

August 3rd

Unhappy love gives the biggest boost to our creative abilities

03 August 2013 / 19:08:41  
When Jupiter takes a look at our sexual life, it brings freshness and boldness; Saturn determines whether the energy of the libido will involve sex and creation of children, or a business career and artistic masterpieces