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Archive - 2011

October 23rd

Catherine Deneuve and John Cleese in Yannis Smaragdis’ new film

23 October 2011 / 20:10:40  
The life of the Greek pirate, patriot and merchant Ioannis Varvakis will be recreated on the big screen by Yannis Smaragdis, director of "El Greco".

The International Monetary Fund wants a 60 percent cut of the Greek debt

23 October 2011 / 19:10:39  
The long night which began with the entry of Greece in the International Monetary Fund in May 2010 will continue for another four years.

28 PASOK members proposed a plan for national consensus

23 October 2011 / 18:10:53  
28 PASOK members published a text with which they want a "national consensus on the basis of a plan to end the crisis, which in the period after the memorandum is a condition for the survival of the country."

George Papandreou will not resign

23 October 2011 / 17:10:48  
PASOK parliamentary group calls for policy initiatives after Brussels' decisions.

The sharks – these misunderstood predators in Greek seas.

23 October 2011 / 13:10:20  
Fishing for their fins (finning), accidental catches, reduction of food because overfishing, climate change, and with their weak reproductive rates, sharks are brought to the limits of survival

The price for the financial rescue of Greece are severe savings

23 October 2011 / 13:10:43  
The European Commission wants to save 62.2 billion euros in order the country to shrink its budget deficit below the required criteria of the Maastricht's maximum level of 3 percent of GDP

October 22nd

Our old friend Jupiter responsible for the chances that life gives us

22 October 2011 / 15:10:19  
When we are pressed to the wall and have no choice - there's only one way. The chance.