The CIA keeps in its archives around 1,100 documents related to the assassination. They describe seven key figures - former CIA officials. One of them is agent Ioannidis, as stated by Jefferson Morley.
According to Taoists, balancing the energy of our vital organs and our emotions is the first step by which we can change our bad habits and predispositions.
Only the English-speaking audience, 20%, perceive as racist the dissemination of the photos of the supposed adoptive parents of Maria. This is the preference of 9% of respondents in the Greek and of only 4% of respondents in the Bulgarian versions.
Using the immune system of the patient (immunotherapy) is a promising alternative method of treatment in comparison with the chemotherapy for cancer treatment, which is widely used today.
This year's consumption of luxury goods worldwide has increased by 5%. Consumers love to spend money on such products and services but are very careful in their selection at the same time.
The young man had accompanied a friend of his who had set off to a restaurant near Omonia Square in the centre of Athens to ask its owner to pay her the due salary. Instead of giving her the small sum the restaurant owner made a bodyguard beat the young man.