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Archive - 2013

November 12th

A thunderstorm opened a huge hole in the centre of Athens

12 November 2013 / 11:11:23  
The streets in central Athens remain closed, the bad weather will continue today.

The European Investment Bank injects 550 million euro into the Greek economy

11 November 2013 / 23:11:29  
The money is intended for the resumption of the construction of highways, for the construction of local infrastructure and the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises. For the first time the Bank is taking measures to tackle unemployment.

November 11th

Maria Callas Museum to have its own home

11 November 2013 / 21:11:16  
The project is in its feasibility stage.

Another minister of PASOK is on trial for bribes from Siemens

11 November 2013 / 16:11:46  
According to the indictment, he had "laundered" money he had received as a "gift" from the German company Siemens for the signing of agreement 8002 for the digitization of the centres of the Greek telecommunications company OTE in 1997.

The government of Samaras survives

11 November 2013 / 10:11:42  
153 deputies from the ruling coalition involving New Democracy and PASOK rejected the no-confidence motion against the government of Antonis Samaras: 124 deputies voted "for" and 17 abstained.

November 10th

A weekend in Kastanitsa

10 November 2013 / 21:11:18  
Adorned with thick forests of chestnuts, pines and plane trees and protected by the mountain peaks of Parnonas, Kastanitsa will win your heart with its beauty. Here time flows at a different pace – soothing and calm. The annual festival of the chestnut is another reason to visit it.

live The motion of no confidence against Samaras will be voted at midnight

10 November 2013 / 20:11:16  
Negotiations with creditors have sunk into suspicion; another meeting between Finance Minister Yiannis Stournaras and representatives of the supervisory Troika is expected on Tuesday; Greece hopes for a political solution again