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Archive - 2013

November 10th

The police are afraid that there will be a new attack

10 November 2013 / 17:11:32  
Eight days have passed since the attack on the offices of Golden Dawn in Neo Iraklio, but no one has assumed responsibility so far, which makes the police fear that there will be new attacks

live The 31st Athens Classic Marathon started

10 November 2013 / 14:11:47  
The 31st Athens Classic Marathon is taking place today with the participation of athletes from around the world. In parallel, a road race of 10 km is also taking place, and the road race of 5 km has already finished. The start was given at 9:00 a.m. in Marathon. A total of 233 men and women will compete for the title of the best marathoner in the presence of many celebrities

November 9th

The mark we leave behind

09 November 2013 / 20:11:02  
Our name's on everybody's lips but the Sun, Ascendant and the Fifth house in our personal horoscope decide whether it is for better or worse

Eggs with style

09 November 2013 / 19:11:04  
Ways to prepare eggs are numerous and they are suitable for every hour of the day, although we prefer them for breakfast. Let's see 8 alternatives to the well-known omelette, boiled or fried eggs

A new attempt to permit the construction of crematoriums in Greece

09 November 2013 / 17:11:47  
The existing law makes the construction of crematoriums virtually impossible; various organizations and individuals are trying to make legal amendments despite reactions of the church

Creditors pleased that the bank reform is progressing

09 November 2013 / 16:11:42  
The big goal now is the privatization of Eurobank; the first big stake is expected to be sold in the first three months of 2014

November 8th

Ledra Marriott leaves Greece after 30 years of presence

08 November 2013 / 19:11:11  
A collaboration that lasted for decades is ending and, as of 31 December, the hotel on Singrou Avenue will not function as part of Marriott chain of hotels.