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Archive - 2013

November 7th

Pasta with Rich Tomato and Sausage Sauce

07 November 2013 / 11:11:59  
With a diversity of shapes and infinity of sauces, pasta is both versatile and tasty

live The police put an end to the Greek national radio

07 November 2013 / 11:11:30  
By order of the prosecutor the riot forces seized the building of ERT at 4:15 am today.

November 6th

Pouring rain dispersed the protest in Athens

06 November 2013 / 20:11:17  
Meanwhile, despite the protesters’ calls to go home, the members of the supervisory Troika are continuing their talks with the Greek ministers. Sources assess as positive the first meetings, adding that the negotiations will not be completed any time soon.

Police disseminate a video of the double murder in Athens

06 November 2013 / 17:11:10  
Five new details regarding the cold-blooded murder of two members of Golden Dawn are being investigated at present.

Assad’s removal is the condition for resolving the conflict in Syria

06 November 2013 / 14:11:39  
According to the opposition, Bashar al-Assad cannot, and should not, be involved in the negotiations on the future of Syria.

November 5th

Frauds amounting to over 1 million euro in Oikos Nautou

05 November 2013 / 21:11:44  
Six people were arrested in connection with the case, four of whom were apprehended at the scene while receiving the sum of 200,000 euro in marked banknotes from the owner of private clinics.

Coins thrown at a lenders’ representative

05 November 2013 / 19:11:21  
Angry officials of the Ministry of Finance booed the lenders' representatives during their meeting with the leadership of the department and after it. The new round of meetings is the continuation of the negotiations which were interrupted on 27 September.