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Archive - 2013

November 5th

A 24-hour strike will paralyze Greece on Wednesday

05 November 2013 / 13:11:45  
Staff on duty will serve hospital patients. Trains and ships will not be operating for twenty-four hours, flights to and from Athens airport will be interrupted for three hours.

In the European elections we must vote for individuals rather than for parties

04 November 2013 / 23:11:17  
Solving the problems of unemployment, immigration and confidence in the European institutions will be the main issues in the election campaign of Martin Schulz - a candidate for president of the European Commission on behalf of the Party of European Socialists.

November 4th

The fourth victim miraculously escapes the killing

04 November 2013 / 21:11:47  
Unexpected findings in the testimony of an eyewitness. Both victims of the brutal murder in Neo Iraklio were buried.

Customers want their Sunday shopping

04 November 2013 / 14:11:31  
The Greek retailers consider as positive the pilot opening of their shops on Sunday.

November 3rd

Yuri Stupel and the Isadora Duncan dance on the Athenian stage

03 November 2013 / 21:11:20  
The legendary priestess of modern dance will come alive in the theatre play "Isadora Duncan - My Life" on Monday, 11 November at Argo theatre

ICAP awards the 43 "True leaders" of the Greek economy

03 November 2013 / 19:11:33  
The awards were given at a ceremony attended by key ministers and representatives of a lot of business organizations

The police are working on several versions of the double murder

03 November 2013 / 17:11:32  
The anti-terrorism service is checking for possible connections of the perpetrators of the cold-blooded murder in Neo Iraklio with terrorist organizations