Unlike the match against Georgia, this time the Greek nationals demonstrated more desire to play and a strong presence on the field. The image of the...
The Danish team just took advantage of the unforgivable mistakes of the greens and gained the 3 points more easily than expected. The Copenhagen team...
The match with the team of Copenhagen is the first one of the Group D the greens will play at home. After the heavy loss from Barcelona with 5-1 the...
With a score of 2-1 ended match between the football teams of Panathinaikos and Panyonios which was played at the OAKA Stadium in Athens. The game of...
The Portuguese expressed his regret to the Greek media for the decision of some stars to give up the blue-white T-shirt and stated that he is mostly...
The player who was ranked among the 11 sexiest men in the world during the World Championship in South Africa clearly stated that we will not see him...