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Archive - Dec 16, 2010

The end of innocence or how a Member of Parliament was beaten in the street in Greece

16 December 2010 / 18:12:05  
A group of demonstrators attacked and wounded to blood a Member of Parliament at yesterday's rally in Athens. The prosecution asked TVs to submit video footage to find the attackers.

A new pop star Teoharis Ioannidis is rising!

16 December 2010 / 17:12:08  
The idea of sex symbol is a little worn out, but he is really cool - beautiful, fresh, bold and sincere, but because his name is still little known - get acquainted with the Greek god Teoharis Ioannidis! Over the past two months while the reality show Just the Two of Us involving Teoharis is running, his fan club has become ten times bigger than before and his fans on Facebook now are 8670.

661 products cents cheaper in 2011

16 December 2010 / 16:12:32  
Essential goods and not only starting from the shampoo Herbal Essences to soup noodle will be reduced by 0.71% to 37.9%.

The French Nouvelle Vague to the Greeks: Stay Greeks!

16 December 2010 / 15:12:30  
Parisian air and love atmosphere, stylish and mock-weary but full of energy will bring Nouvelle Vague in the Fuzz club in Athens tomorrow night. Greek people and French people are alike because each of them can spend a long time in the country of the other and feel at home, said Olivier Libaux - one of the founders of the band. “Greeks were calmer than French people because of the time, the economy, because of their way of thinking and living. I hope this won’t change after everything we hear about the Greek economy.

Greece raises again the issue of World War II reparations

16 December 2010 / 13:12:01  
In recent months headlines in the Greek press like The Germans "Owe" War Reparations to the Greeks have multiplied. The amount was specified to 162 billion euros.

People who work when others strike

16 December 2010 / 12:12:58  
Some might be surprised but there are people that work in days of nationwide strikes in Greece. They can not be absent from work or do not want to participate in mass protests. GRReporter talked to Greeks and foreigners who believe that despite the difficult economic conditions and hardships of life the outcome of the crisis is work rather than chanting of slogans.

Travel agencies are the first to feel the change in market

16 December 2010 / 10:12:15  
The crisis impact on the sector was felt two years ago. 2008 was not a good year, 2009 was bad, and the situation in 2010 could be determined as crisis.